Genel Özellikler
- Verniksiz doğal görünüm
- Fırça/bez/daldırma ile uygulama
- Doku gösteren yarı şeffaf
- Çevre dostu
- Zengin renk pigmentli
- Ağır metal ve kurşun içermez
- Kullanıma hazır
Kullanım Alanları- Tüm iç/dış mekan ahşapları
- Kapı ve pencere doğramaları
- Panjurlar
- Cephe kaplamaları
- Çitler
- Pergolalar
- Balkon korkulukları
- Masif veya parke zeminler
- Lambri
- Ahşap tavanlar
Ambalaj Boyutları
- 15 L.
İç/Dış Mekan İçindirFırça,bez veya daldırma ile uygulanırÖnce Karıştırınız1 Lt ile 10-12 m2Kabarma Yapmaz
Önemli Not: Yukarıda gösterilen renkler çam üzerine uygulanmış olup gerçeğe yakın olmasına özen gösterilmiştir. Elde edeceğiniz renk ve parlaklık, ahşabın özelliklerine, dokusuna emiciliğine ve ekran ayarlarına göre değişiklik gösterecektir. Ayrıca, boyanın ne kalınlıkta ve kaç kat sürüldüğü de sonucu etkileyecektir. Gerçek rengi görebilmek için, kullanılacak ahşap üzerinde denenmesi önerilir. Tips
Hemel Pro Aqua HD Colorant wood colorant application methods and quantities specified in the Technical Data Sheet must be followed when applying.
Hemel Pro Aqua HD Colorant wood colorant, when applied with a brush, the colorant must be combed through the veins of the wood on the surface with the brush to achieve a homogeneous appearance and avoid the risk of trace appearance. 2-3% drinking water can be added on large surfaces and in extremely hot weather, to delay drying and prevent the formation of coat marks.
For long-term protection and a decorative appearance, it is recommended to apply VA 1030 / VA 1130 / TX 9180 / TX 9030 varnish on it after the color dries.
In exterior applications, the design of wooden areas in such a way that water does not accumulate on the surface where it flows significantly, increases the service life of the product.
If it is desired to get maximum service life from exterior applications, it is recommended to apply the wood colorant to the back parts of the woods as well. This way, the moisture that the wood can receive from the facade and construction will be kept to a minimum level, and the negative effects on the wood will be minimized.
In order to obtain a homogeneous appearance, sanding and painting should always be done in the direction of the veins of the wood.
Coloring should always be started from the top point of the wood and applied in areas of 3-5 square meters. If the application is to be interrupted during the application, it should be left in the joints of the woods or the parts of the decking and facade edge. Otherwise, it will ride layer by layer and have visually bad results. Always apply from the last applied part to the un-colored area, and then go back to the colored part again to get the excess part of the color.
Problems and solutions
Fold marks occurence in joints during application
After applying Hemel Pro Aqua HD Colorant wood colorant, the excess paint should be wiped off with a cloth before it dries. Therefore, the application should continue in small areas.
2-3% drinking water can be added on large surfaces and in extremely hot weather, to delay drying and prevent the formation of coat marks.
. If the application is to be interrupted during the application, it should be left in the joints of the woods or the parts of the decking and facade edge.
Always apply from the last applied part to the un-colored area, and then go back to the colored part again to get the excess part of the color.
Color fading very soon after application
Hemel Pro Aqua HD Colorant used on the exterior, gives the best performance against sunlight, once applying VA 1030/VA 1130/ TX 9180/TX 9030 varnish. Special additives in the varnish, reflect the harmful rays of the sun and absorb them without reaching the color layer.
Hemel Pro Aqua HD Colorant differs in tone from the color you see on the color chart
Causes of the problem :
Application of Hemel Pro Aqua HD Colorant without mixing at enough quantity.
Use of missing or exceeding the amount specified in the user manual.
The woods you have applied on are impregnated with Tanalith or Tanatone.
The appearance of products in different tones in different types of wood.
Since the specific gravity of the resin and of the pigment that gives color to Hemel Pro Aqua HD Colorant are different, the pigment sinks to the bottom over time. For this reason, before using the product, it should be mixed very well with the help of a spatula to make sure that there is no undissolved pigment left in the bottom of the box.
During application, the amount of product you apply to the surface should be checked from time to time with the age film meter, and make sure that the product is applied in the quantities specified in the Product Technical Data Sheet.
If you want to see how the product will look on the surface before the application, you can apply in a small area by requesting a product sample from our authorized dealers or us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I lighten the product's color?
You can open the color of the products by mixing them in any proportions, or you can create your custom color.
How can I get different colors other than standard ones?
You can prepare your custom color by mixing different colors of the same product. You can change the color of your parquets.
Can I change the color of my parquet?
You can change the color of your parquets. You can apply the desired color of Hemel Pro Aqua HD Colorant by completely cleaning the polish on the surface of your parquet and the colorant used on the floor, if any, with a scraper. You can complete the process by applying HEMEL water-based parquet varnishes on it.
Can I apply it with a sprey gun?
A lot of attention is needed when applying colorants with a gun. When more colorants are thrown into any part of the application surface, color differences can be observed on the wood surface. Because of this, application with a gun is not recommended. Nevertheless, if the application is to be done with a gun, immediately after application, the surface of the wood should be scanned along the vein with a cloth quickly, without allowing the coloring to dry on the surface and ensure a homogeneous appearance.
- 1 L. covers 10-12 m² with one coat
Surface Preparation:
- Remove any dirt, oil, and wood dust from the surface.
-New Wood Surfaces:- Sand the surface with sandpaper #80/120.
- Thoroughly clean the generated dust.
- Sand the weathered surface with sandpaper #80/120.
- Thoroughly clean the generated dust.
- Do not apply the product on pre-coated surfaces.
- Remove the old paint/varnish from the surface completely with sandpaper.
- Thoroughly clean the generated dust.
- The product is ready to use and does not require thinning.
- Stir the product thoroughly before use and check its homogeneity. Repeat this process during the application.
- Apply the product in 1 coat by brush, cloth, or dipping and wait 4-6 hours for completely dry.
- Apply in the direction of the wood grain to get a homogeneous look.
- For interior use decorative finish, apply HEMEL Varnish for Interior, HEMEL Home, HEMEL Heavy Traffic Parquet Varnish, Hemel Invisible, Hemel Pro MX, or HEMEL Ultramat as a topcoat.
- For exterior use UV protection and decorative finish, apply HEMEL Varnish for the Exterior or Hemel Pro VA, TX, or SC Series as a topcoat.
Maintenance (when the same product had been used before):
- Do not apply the product on pre-coated surfaces.
- Remove the old stain/varnish from the surface completely with sandpaper.
- Thoroughly clean the generated dust.
- Repeat the same process as described in Application.
- Inspect annually and maintain as required.
- Keep the product closed when not in use.
- The general application temperature of the product is between 15°C and 25°C at a relative humidity range of 40-65%.
- The moisture content of the wood should be 20% for exterior use.
- Do not apply the product under direct sunlight or rain.
- Do not apply linseed oil, basecoat/primer, or yacht varnish before or after HEMEL Universal Stain applied surfaces.
- To provide long-life protection against decay, apply HEMEL Timbercare Aqua on untreated softwoods and wait 24 hours before applying the product.
- The product should be protected from freezing and stored at temperatures between 5°C to 35°C.
- Painting tools should be cleaned with soap and plenty of warm water after application.
Safety Precautions:
- Do not transfer contents to other containers for storage.
- Do not use empty plastic cans for other purposes.
- To avoid overexposure, open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying.
- Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
- Wash hands after using.
- FIRST AID: In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with large amounts of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. If swallowed, call Poison Control Center, hospital emergency room, or physician immediately.
- Dispose of contents/plastic cans in accordance with national regulations.
- Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product for health and safety information.
There are many wood color products for interior and exterior wood coloring. Since wood is a natural material and must be protected well, the wood dye and colorants to be used should be selected well. So, what should we pay attention to when choosing wood coloring? Where can we use wood colorants? What are the wood coloring products that can be used in home areas or industrial areas? We have prepared a small article for you about these.
As in every field, wood colorant products that are safe for human health and environmentally friendly do not contain heavy metals, and lead should be preferred. It must be a water-based wood colorant, conforming to the Toy Safety Standard. In this way, you can safely color many areas of your home, balcony railings, etc., while protecting your health and nature.
Another essential point of the wood colorant is the rich color pigments in its content. It would help if you were careful that the product you will use contains high color pigments. In this way, you will maintain the natural appearance of your wood and provide a good coloring. In addition, a translucent colorant brings out the wood texture and natural beauty of the wood.
Where are water-based wood colorants used?
You can use wood colorants on all interior / exterior wood such as door and window joinery, shutters, facade cladding, fences, pergolas, balcony railings, roof eaves, solid or laminated parquet floors, paneling, and wooden ceilings.
How is Water-Based Wood Coloring applied?
Hickson Decor Aqua DecorativeWood Colorants produced by Hemel are ready to use, do not require thinning, and can be applied by brush, cloth, and dipping methods.
Tips for coloring wood
When the wood colorant product is applied with a brush, it should be combed along the grain of the colorant wood on the surface with a brush to obtain a homogeneous appearance and avoid the risk of overlapping. In addition, to avoid any brush marks when applying wood colorant, after the product is applied, the excess should be wiped off with a cloth before allowing the color to dry. Therefore, the application should continue in small areas.
Drinking water can be added at a 2 to 3% ratio to delay drying on large surfaces and sweltering weather and prevent possible brush traces.
In exterior applications, the design of wooden details so that they do not accumulate on the surface where water will flow significantly increases its service life.
Can I get different colors with wood colorant types?
You can mix different colors of the same product to obtain different colors other than the standard colors of wood colorant, and you can prepare your custom color.
Change the wood floor color with water-based wood colorants
You can apply Hemel Pro Decorative HD Colorant's desired color by completely removing varnish on the surface and colorant, if any, with a scraper. You can complete the change by applying Hemel water-based wood floor varnishes on it. Click for wood floor coloring prices and wood floor varnishes!
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